Objective To determine the fire resistance performance of a single specimen of an uninsulated, single-acting, double-leaf doorset when tested in accordance with BS 476: Part 22: 1987, Clause 8.
Summary of Tested Specimen The doorset had overall nominal dimensions of 2600 mm high by 2290 mm wide and incorporated two door leaves of overall nominal dimensions 2557 mm high by 1115 mm wide by 44 mm thick. The doorset was of mild steel construction and incorporated a mineral fiber core 3 of stated density 144kg/m . The door leaf was latched and flush bolted for the duration of the test. The doorset was installed such that the door leaves opened away from the heating conditions of the test.
Testing Results Integrity
240 minutes*
* The test duration.
Fire Resistance: As per BS-4735 horizontal burn < 125 mm
The test was discontinued after a period of 240 minutes.